The Caspian Crossing – Finding the Golden Ticket!

 Crossing the Caspian Sea by FerryAzerbaijan’s capital city, Baku was an exciting milestone for me and my adventure bike touring around the world. I had reached the Caspian Sea and could go no further. I had wanted to go south, through Iran but visa requirements denied me access there. To the north was Russia. Closed […]

Cycling across Asia – The Plan

Touring bike in front of mountains.

It was a difficult decision to come home over winter. I tossed and turned in my tent at night for months and I wrestled over it during long days in the saddle. Even at home I have struggled with the feeling of unfinished business, often feeling like my mind is still out there on the […]

Cycling Across Europe – The Video

Cycling Around the WorldIn just one week I’m off to continue my adventure cycling around the world! I’ve worked hard to get this video out before I left, which gives a quick (1 minute 42) look at the trip so far! I hope you like it! I would be massively grateful if you shared the video with […]

A BIG Surprise!

Cycling away from home on bike touring adventure with friends

Just two weeks today and I fly back to Tbilisi, pick up my bike, and begin cycling around the world again. But, I’ve got a little (big) surprise…I’m not going alone! I am going to be joined indefinitely by my adventurous university friend, ‘Big Sus’, who has the requisite adventurous attitude, level of craziness, and willingness […]

A very short bike ride.

“Freedom is riding a bicycle”The last time I had been on a bike I was making the final pedal strokes into Tbilisi, Georgia, weary after a 5,155 mile journey across Europe. I’ve been home for six weeks since, and haven’t so much as glanced at bike. Yesterday, I decided to ride home from work.It was […]

Statistics from my Bike Touring Adventure

I was interested (and thought you might be too) to see some statistics from the first part of my journey cycling around the world; the bike touring adventure from England to Georgia. Days on the Road: 146 days (4 months and 23 days).Days cycling: 101.Days resting: 45.Distance cycled: 5,155 miles (8,297 kilometres).Longest Day: 118 miles (190 kilometres). Turkey – No, […]

Would YOU have said ‘Yes’?

Taking Opportunities for adventure - Would you say yes?

I stared across the table at my generous Turkish host, Yusuf, currently deep in thought. Sensing a desire to do something out of his ordinary routine, an adventurous spirit lying dormant if you like, I had just asked if he would like to cycle with me for a few days. Sadly, I knew there was […]

What happens after travelling? Challenges coming home.

Plane taking off to come home after travelling

 Coming home after travellingAs I sat on the plane a map caught my eye; England was just falling off the edge, hardly visible, but in the centre, a flashing dot marked my current position. It had taken me 5 months to cycle here, but in 8 hours I would be back where I started, the […]

Difficult bike touring in Georgia and Turkey.

Climbing a mountain in East Turkey enjoying a beautiful view.

Difficult Bike TouringArriving in Tbilisi, where my adventure pauses for winter, the only emotion I felt was relief. Relief simply that I had survived the past two weeks. The past two weeks were by far the toughest of the trip, challenging my resilience and mental strength from the moment I woke up until I grinded […]

Cycling South-West Turkey – Highs and Lows

Cycling South-West Turkey coast.

Cycling South-West TurkeyThere are many touristy towns dotted along the coast in south-west Turkey (I can understand why – It’s beautiful), but the initial familiarity, excitement and novelty of being in such places (which I spoke about in Part 1) slowly wore off. I found them rather more unfriendly, and different to the rest of Turkey. By […]