Europe’s finale: Reaching Istanbul by bike

Reaching Istanbul and visiting a market.

If you look closely, Istanbul is a tale of two cities, the tiny ‘Bosporus Strait’ connecting the Black Sea from the north to the more southern Sea of Marmara, dividing it in two. All traffic is funnelled through this symbolic gateway, marking the end of Europe, and the start of Asia, and all the cultural […]

When I stand in Sydney

This post is based on the assumption I will reach Sydney; If I don’t believe I will, I probably won’t. As William Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you are right.” For most people, arriving in Sydney marks the end of a long journey: a chance to stretch the legs […]


I think it’s important to frequently review your life; how you’ve been spending your time, and your achievements in the past, and what your dreams and aspirations are for the future. The changing of the year provides a convenient opportunity to do this. I don’t however think a public blog is the best place to […]